
Negative K

Seriously recently out of control about everything : (
by the ways, life still need to go on and what else I can says?
feeling stress during this semester, lots of subject not sure what actually are
how good if I can go back to the day before?

college life taking me three year more and yet I getting older and older
where my dream to chase and reach it?
totally losing my pathways to go front and feeling sad all the time
I need somebody talk to me
I need somebody understand me
I need somebody to support me
I also human also
I don't know what I supposing to do right now
should I follow my dream or follow my future?
should I give up or keep steps forward?  

Yes, I just writing nonsense here to explore myself
Ignore me please : (

seriously, I don't know what will my future be?
seriously, I hates those who brainless  
seriously, I care about everything in my life
seriously, I appreciate everything owned 
everything is precious in my life

I need some holiday to relax myself and yes I miss TAIWAN life. ^_^

4 条评论:

  1. Good luck ^^ think positive

  2. Cheers! :)
    just do what you want to do.
    Follow your heart ;)
    Smilesss ^^

  3. 1st and 2nd floor friends

    Thanks you so much!!!!

    Appreciate everything ^_^

    Let's work hard together :D

    Smile for Life (*^*)

  4. Think positive! 危机就是转机 =DD
