
Filled Mid Night

Damn guy and gal, in this moment I'm still not willing go to bed yet,
guess what happening in the house? 
bad habits appearing in mind again which is my eat desires and I just finished 
my mother home-cooked Laksa with 3 package of mamee plus few of the fruits egg tarts! 

SEE! People! SEE!
how can I go to bed now, right?
I'm always thinking of slim down my body like last time I was
but, always lose control when I think of foods
I really have no idea about what happened to me, myself
bad feeling, always get regretted after meal consumed
have been deride for so long from people beside me
you(s) know who you(s) are right? 

I just visited my grandmother village  
saw my grandmother and some relatives (lots of kids)
the village that filled with full memories of my childhood 
I still remembered each year during new year 
dad will fetched me there to celebrate new year
one of the favorites activity's 
I used to catch fish in nearer river with one of my cousin 
every time we go with very happy happy feeling
but, whenever we backed sure get scolded by grandmother
well, go back to real yea
talking with grandmother and relatives for about hour
we have been talking lot about my dad and brothers
I love so much the atmosphere arounding
I really love the village, such as good village to relaxing myself
I think I will be back there soon, I just love there so
hey guy, if have the opportunity in future, please remember to go and have a look
it is Kampung Liang Seng ^_^
Liang Seng- Kuala Gula 两成-牛拉地标
The representative three to Village 


